How do SINOLIFT custom lifter for you?

As a customer there are often important pros and cons to weigh against each other. Maybe you recognize some of the following considerations:

  • Bespoke lift equipment is often very expensive
  • A custom electric lifter often takes a long time to design
  • Because of its unique, never-built-before quality, it might not yet be a fully reliable      piece of handling machinery

We fully understand those reservations. They are a good reflection of a very common reality.  But at SINOLIFT, we can provide that our custom material handling lift equipment is now both affordable, fairly quick to produce and is of strong, reliable, and durable quality.


How do we make sure that we’ve understood everything in depth and breadth?

Well, we simply ask and ask until we feel confident that no stone is left unturned regarding your lifting and handling situation.


As a starting point in our dialogue, we will typically ask you the following questions:

Custom electric lifter dialogue. Leaving no stone unturned.

What is it you need to lift and or handle? Reels / rolls, drums, barrels, vessels, pallets, skids, boxes, containers, or something else?

For determining the overall type of lifter tool.

What are the load’s dimensions? Height, width, circumference, diameter etc.

For estimating potential customization of the lifter tool.

What type of operation is your load to perform? Does it need to only lift, or does it also need to handle the load in any particular manner?

For concluding whether you need a manipulator or non-manipulator variant.

How heavy is your load?

For determining whether you need a 150 kilo lifter or a 300 kilo lifter.

What characterizes your working environment? Are there any potential constrictions?

For assessing the optimal dimensions of the lifter and whether adjustment of e.g. height or legs is required.

What is your industry e.g. pharma, food and beverage, storage or something else? Are there any important industry regulations to comply with e.g. GMP?

For determining whether you need a steel lifter or stainless steel lifter.

If you think that SINOLIFT may help you build the perfect industrial material handling lifter for your working environment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our e-mail is We look very much forward to hearing from you.
