What are the limitations of a pallet jack?

Precautions for pallet jacks

1. Start slowly

Start the pallet truck slowly. When starting the pallet truck, you must be very careful not to jerk or jerk the pallet truck by the handle. Doing so may strain your neck and back muscles from the sudden movement.

It is also important to move slowly when maneuvering so that you do not bump into people or things.

Most pallet trucks are now equipped with brakes, so use them to slow down, especially when handling heavier loads.

2. Use on clear roads

Whenever you use a hand jack, make sure the path is clear of any obstacles.

Any construction materials or wires in the path increase the risk of injury, as they can get caught on the pallet pump.

Additionally, you will want to be aware of other potential hazards that may exist along your route, such as narrow aisles and tight corners.

Therefore, if such hazards exist along the route of travel, maneuver the pallet truck slowly to ensure maximum manual pallet truck safety.

3. Safe storage

After using the Hand Pallet Truck, store it safely in the designated storage area. If this is not possible, store it as close to a wall as possible.

Make sure it is stored with the handle up and the forks down. Also ensure that the forks do not face outwards. These warehouse safety recommendations are designed to prevent serious safety hazards for workers.

Precautions for pallet jacks

1. Do not overload

Overloading a pallet jack can lead to serious consequences, such as imbalance or failure. So what is the safe maximum lifting limit for a pallet jack?

Most manual pallet jacks have a maximum load capacity of 2000-2500 kg. Some can even reach up to 5000 kg. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the maximum handling limits of your pallet truck to ensure that you do not overload your pallet truck.

One way to avoid overloading is to always keep track of the weight of the load.

2. Don’t use on ramps

Avoid using the pallet pump on ramps whenever possible. This is because you may have difficulty keeping the jack and the load balanced. Even a slight incline or decline can have a serious effect on gravity.

In addition, your load may turn freely on its own, thus hitting objects or other workers.

If it is absolutely necessary to use it on a ramp, be extra careful. Keep the load on your uphill slope so that the load is balanced. Also, keep the forks 4 to 6 inches off the ground to prevent them from getting stuck on the ramp.

3. Don’t push or pull

There are two different opinions on whether you should push or pull a pallet jack. For us, pulling is better for the operator.

This is because pulling increases the maneuverability of the operator. You can check for hazards ahead, such as objects on the ground and other workers.
