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How to Operate an Electric Pallet Jack

Electric pallet jacks can be even more convenient to use than manual pallet jacks, as the manual motion of jacking up the prongs is done electronically. Many also have a “ride-on” feature that can make it easier to get around a large warehouse.

Unplug and Store Cord

Unplug the electric pallet jack’s plug when you are using it.

Your first step for operating an electric pallet jack is to unplug the charging cord and store it away inside the machine. Because they run on electricity, electric power jacks need to be plugged in and charged when they are not in use. There is usually an obvious location to insert and store the length of the cord.

Identify the Controls and Lower Prongs

On the handle of the pallet jack, there should be buttons to control the direction of movement. Push the “down” button to lower the prongs toward the floor. Again, these should be about one to two inches from the ground.

Load the Pallet

Next, use the controls to move the pallet jack to your destination. Once you arrive in front of your pallet, use the buttons to maneuver the prongs underneath and all the way through the pallet. Then, press the “up” button to lift the pallet and prongs off the ground.


Use the Control Buttons to Move

Once you have your pallet securely loaded, you can use the control buttons to move to your destination. When you arrive, again press the “down” button to lower the prongs and pallet to the floor.

Charge the Electric Pallet Jack

When you’re finished, put the electric pallet jack back as you found it. You will need to pull out the charging cord from its storage area in the machine, and plug it back in so that the electric pallet jack will be ready for use the next time it is needed.


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